Overview      How It Works      Capabilities      Why Ad Accelerator      Get Started Now
Why Ad Accelerator
With Ad Accelerator, we give our advertisers exactly what they want. We offer them advertising on niche verticals. We offer geo-targeting, re-targeting, frequency capping, and our proprietory bidding platform which is the best media buying tool in our industry nowadays. We say this confidently because advertisers have the ability to place a low CPM bid on any or all of these filtering tools mentioned here and back their CPM up with CPC, which only is collected if there are clicks that also occur. Media buyers are able to save quite a bit this way and hence are able to buy a lot more with their budget compare to other advertising exchanges or networks. Please email us to learn more about how this works.

Ad Accelerator is a feature rich advertising system developed and updated by Hyperbidder. We continually make improvements on it with recommendations made by the media buyers. We ask all our media buyers to let us know if they have a specific wish for Hyperbidder Ad Accelerator to have, and we develop and implement it immediately there after. We customize Ad Accelerator for our media buyers and make sure it serves them in best possible ways such as in cutting cost in their ad traffic, and shortening their time in campaign management.

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